As a member of the Ferris Faculty Association you gain advocacy on your campus' work environment, factors that improve quality teaching, as well as your salary and benefits through your negotiated contract. Contract negotiation is an ongoing process. It is updated throughout the year in response to crises and changes in work environment; this process is called "contract maintenance." The president of the association, Charles Bacon, heads contract maintenance.
Elected representatives who make up your executive board gather each month to learn about issues impacting all colleges. Locally, the executive board members participate in leadership on various committees around campus, such as the Leadership Council and the Academic Senate. At the state and national level, these executive board members represent you at MEA and NEA meetings, where they gather information and vote on issues that effect our members.
Finally, if you get into a sticky situation with administration your local union Grievence Officer, John Caserta, and your MEA Uniserv Director will represent you. If the situation requires a mediator or an attorney, this is covered by your union dues.